Engineering Services
Triple H provides many different types of Engineering Services. Triple H strives to provide the highest quality of work while providing the highest value for its clients.​​
Project Management
Construction Management
AutoCAD Design
Inspection Services
Well Pad Design
Pipeline Design
Hydrology Studies
Water Impoundment Design
Landscape Development and Design
DEP Permitting
Erosion & Sediment Control Plans
Site Restoration Plans
Streetscape Designs
Construction Inspection & Testing
Licensed in WV, OH, PA, & VA

Surveying Services
Here at Triple H Enterprises, we offer surveying services to meet all of your oil and gas needs. Currently, we offer the following surveying services:
Pipeline Consulting
Pipeline Routing
Stake-out Projects
As-built Projects
GIS Mapping
Production Facility Layouts
Well Plats and Permitting
Boundary & Hardline Surveys
Slip Remediations
Utility Line Locating
Aerial Mapping
Drone Mapping
Water Impoundments
Licensed in WV, OH, PA, VA, & KY

Environmental Services
Triple H provides various environmental and permitting services including but not limited to the following:
Stream and Wetland Delinations
Clean Water Act Permitting Services
Nationwide and 404 Permitting
Section 401 Permitting
Floodplain Coordination
SHPO and Section 106 Permitting
Rare/Endangered Species Surveys
Various Field Investigation Services for Bats
E&S Inspection and Post Rainfall Inspections
Environmental Construction Inspection

Roustabout Services
Small Dirt Work Projects
Well Site Security & Flagging
Road Maintenance
Snow Removal
Well Site Facility Construction
Pipe Fitting
Seeding & Mulching
Well Head & Tank Painting
Power Washing
Right of Way Clearing & Grubbing
General Labor Projects
Truck Spotting
Flow back & Rig Up/Down
Pipeline/Utility Re-locations
NACE Certified Coating & Painting

Construction Services
We have an assortment of equipment available to get any dirt work project completed. We offer services including but not limited to the following:
Slip Repairs & Remediations
Well Site Maintenance
Road Repairs & Ditching
Pipeline Re-locations
Site Preparation & Reclamation
Building Demolition
Tank Pad Installations
We offer many different types of fence to fit every need. From chain link, vinyl, wrought iron, aluminum fencing, to farm fencing, we have you covered. We can build fence to fit residential, commercial, and oil and gas sites.
In addition, we offer environmental fencing such as silt fence and silt sock installation. For pipeline right-of-ways, we offer farm fencing options such as 3 or 4 strand barbed wire and woven wire fencing. For you free estimate, please contact our office at (304) 873-2582.

Triple H is committed to providing the utmost amount of safety training to all employees. Triple H has worked to instill a culture of safety from day one of operations. All projects are completed in line with all federal and state agencies, client-specific HS&E requirements, and Triple H's HS&E manual. Triple H's EMR has decreased every year in business. Currently, Triple H has an EMR of 0.76 for 2019.
Even before an employee gets his boots on the ground, they have to take PEC Safeland, new employee orientation, and OSHA 10. These courses are usually given over the course of two to three days. This ensures that the employee has the knowledge to be in the field. If Triple H's safety team does not feel comfortable with the employee’s ability, they will never make it to the field. Also, for specific projects, Triple H will have the employee operator qualified by an employee who is a specialist.
Also, Triple H follows a strict Short Service Employee program. Employees starting a new job are even required to follow this program. This can last up to six months unless the new employee tests out after serving at least three months. During the first six months of employment, SSE’s are required to be with their mentor on site at all times. SSEs wear a different colored hard hat and a high visibility vest.
Overall, Triple H strives for zero injuries every year. All staff wear proper PPE, and Triple H will not tolerate staff that do not comply. Triple H has daily JSA tailgate meetings, and monthly full company safety meetings to promote the safety culture. Triple H feels that all employees, management, and even the owners have to contribute to creating a successful safety culture.

At Triple H Enterprises, we strive for excellence! Our company name, Triple H stands for High standards, High quality, and High performance. Started in 2008, Triple is a multi-disciplinary engineering, consulting, surveying, and field services company located in West Virginia. Triple H has completed numerous large scale utility projects for a diversified base of clients. Triple H prides ourselves on our people, and we focus on quality performance, while creating long-lasting client partnerships. We have performed projects across the entire US, including projects in roughly 30 different states. Our mission is to provide our employees and customers with the highest amount of professionalism and quality workmanship, while creating and maintaining a long-lasting, positive relationship.
Triple H Events Feed
Qualified Employees
Year Established
To apply for a position with Triple H Enterprises, please send your resume to: Resumes@triplehenterprises.net
For any general inquiries or questions, please call our office: (304) 873-2582 or fill out the following form below:
Office Locations
Corporate Office
9 James Street
West Union, WV 26456
Morgantown Office
48 Donley Street, Suite 702
Morgantown, WV 26501
Construction Office
945 Cabin Run Road
West Union, WV 26456
Stan Webb
Phone: (304) 873-2582 ext 101
Email: Stan@triplehenterprises.net
Derek Webb
Vice President
Phone: (304) 873-2582 ext 201
Email: Derek@triplehenterprises.net